Monday, December 03, 2007

We had a great response to the Frank Pastore Show--Mormons and Christians called in, and I was glad to hear from both. One Mormon man named Trey was especially compelling. My heart went out to him when he said, "We are Christians. We believe in Jesus." The key point here is, of course, which Jesus? It makes all the difference.

My sister-in-law, Anne Martin, made an interesting observation on the evolution of the Mormon perspective. She said that when she first became a Christian in the 1970s, she would listen to Walter Martin on the radio, and Mormons would call in to the show on a regular basis. What's fascinating about this is that they would call in to insist they were NOT Christians. They were quite proud of this fact, based on Joseph Smith's revelation that all Christian denominations are an abomination, and they said it so often that it stuck in her mind.

Fast forward 30 years to the modern Mormon/Christian debate and my, how things have changed. Today, Mormons do nothing but insist they are Christians. George Orwell, in his riveting book 1984, shows that the key to defeating your opponent is redefinition. If you redefine your enemy, you defeat him. The leaders of the Mormon Church are currently working to redefine Christianity, and in a bizarre twist, Christian Apologists are aiding and abetting their cause. We cannot afford to wallow in the semantic luxury of "nuances" Craig, Frank, Greg and all others--our language must be clear, straightforward and concise or we risk the peril of redefinition.

And so, the bottom line is that Mormonism is not Christian. It never was and it never will be. One point alone proves this beyond any doubt. According to Brigham Young, the Jesus of the Mormons was not conceived by the Holy Spirit. You can find documentation for this and other key points of Mormon doctrine here:

To the gentleman on the show who called us bigots, I can only say this: Your argument is with Jesus Christ--not with us. If you believe we are bigots, than you must say the same of Him. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 Hard to see that statement as anything but black and white.

For those of you who may have missed Frank's show, we will be posting a link to it later this week (depending on the USPS).

And thank you again, Frank and Gina, for having us on the show--and most of all for your kindness and courage.


Blogger JohnD said...

Well said and well done! :-)

7:26 PM  
Blogger JohnD said...

FYI, I am not in cahoots with anything Mormon or otherwise cultic . BUT we must be very careful about the wording of what only APPEARS to say Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit. Note:

Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife:

for that which is conceived in her

is of the Holy Ghost.

If a woman is artificially inseminated by renown Dr. Joe McElhinney that which is conceived in her is of Dr. McElhinney, but he's not the father of the child.

I know some creed somewhere says otherwise. But we would as guilty as the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses if we interpreted scripture through any other medium than itself.

God bless.

7:37 PM  
Blogger said...

On a different note: I have owned Seven campus curses since i saw you dad speak in the late 1980's, and when you post it i will play it again. I lose the cassette every once in a while. Thank You

10:21 AM  
Blogger Grace said...

Thank you thank you for daring to say the simple truth! With Romney's run for the candidacy, I have heard a firestorm of propaganda from Mormons, which is understandable, because they've never been a group to miss a PR opportunity. But I've been dumbfounded at how few Christians know what the Mormons believe and how completely heterodox it is to the real Christian faith. Thank goodness there are folks like you who aren't afraid to call it like you see it.

2:07 PM  

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