Saturday, May 05, 2007

Biola University Chooses Final Candidate:

"The Presidential Search Team, formed in July of 2006 and charged by the Biola Board of Trustees to present one fully qualified candidate to the Board for appointment by the Board as the eighth President of Biola University, is excited to announce that it has selected a final candidate. His name is Dr. Barry H. Corey."

Dr. Corey is a transplant from Gordon-Conwell Seminary; ordained by the Assemblies of God . . . an interesting combination.

Quotes from Dr. Corey:

"I don't cross my fingers, nuance or flinch when I say the Bible is inerrant. And I can say this having spent enough time in some of its more difficult passages and at a seminary where we take inerrancy seriously. I preach from the Bible. I love the Bible. The stuff about 'a lamp unto my feet' is real to me. What God has revealed in Scripture cannot be trumped by any other revelation or experience, word or wonder. . . .

The more I have studied and the more I have contemplated God's creation, the more I have had to remind myself that learning must not become the altar to which I bow. My faith journey is replete with moments when I have surrendered my intellect (without abandoning it) to the will and Lordship of Christ. Academic study at its core must be a spiritual discipline, lest I become intoxicated by my own learning."

Very interesting, indeed.

Congratulations to Dr. Corey and his family.


Martin James said...

A tongue talker at the helm of Biola! I think that's great... I wish he would of been there back in 1983.

7:00 AM  

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