Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pondering a Prayer . . .

As promised, I am venturing back into the rough, shark infested waters of the Mormon Tabernacle debate. I will take it a little bit at a time (to keep from boring you senseless), and eventually continue the discussion on our new Talk Radio Blog. This will give anyone who’s accused me of “not engaging” on this topic a chance to engage me to the death. (I have to say one of the funniest things written by a critic was the statement that I censor my blog . . . please! Is he reading the English Walter Martin Ministries Blog or the Chinese one?)

In my opinion, Christians had no business worshiping in the Tabernacle of the Mormon Heavenly Father (a polygamous, exalted man currently residing on the planet Kolob). The Mormon Church would like nothing better than for the Gentile world to consider them Christians (since they’re positive they are the only true Christians). It is therefore vital that we confront them on this issue and stop this PR campaign dead in its tracks.

What is at stake? Precious souls for whom Christ died.

Thousands of vulnerable people—Christians and Mormons alike—were present at the Tabernacle that evening in November and they needed to hear a life and death truth: Mormonism is not Christian. Instead, they were fed a syrupy song and dance a la Barney: “I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family . . . .”

Some of you think we should have been more charitable to Craig Hazen in critiquing his behavior during this event, and to those people I have only this to say: Craig Hazen knows who and what the Mormons are, and he should have known better. He is a Christian leader and as such is to be held to a higher standard of accountability (James 3:1). It is not uncharitable to hold someone accountable . . . and everyone in the Church is required to do it.

The closing prayer of Biola University’s Craig Hazen in the Mormon Tabernacle, November, 2004:

I really don’t want this to end; in fact, I’d like to make this an annual event. In fact, don’t y’all have a bigger place across the street? Would you all kindly stand with me as we close in prayer? Let us pray.

Our Heavenly Father, our Great King, our Sovereign Creator and Merciful Judge, Solomon asked for wisdom and you gave in abundance. Your servant James taught us that God will give wisdom generously to all who ask him for this precious gift. The Mormon scriptures tell us that Joseph Smith Jr. likewise sought wisdom at a crucial time in his life. No one in this room should ever fear asking you, oh Gracious Father, for wisdom. So, in a common voice we ask you to give us divine wisdom, wisdom from above, and the truth about you, about your Son, about your Holy Word, and about the path to salvation. You have promised to answer such heartfelt prayers, and I ask that you would not let a single person leave this great hall tonight without the light of truth being kindled in his or her soul. In the name of the Blessed One, in the name of the Risen One, in the name of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Go in the peace of Christ.

Robert Millet (Mormon PR guy) hugs Craig Hazen and says, “That was beautiful my friend. Magnificent.”

What is prayer?

From the Greek word proseuchomai; to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship [1]

When Craig Hazen said, “Let us pray,” in the Mormon Tabernacle full of thousands, who was he asking to pray with him? Mormons and Christians worshiping together in a temple built for the god of Joseph Smith.

For those who argue this was not a worship service, Craig Hazen confirmed that it was: “Michael Card led us all in some amazing worship songs. It was surreal to see Evangelicals worshiping in Spirit and Truth at the center of Mormon power and influence.” [2]

Point One: In essence, the Tabernacle event was an ecumenical worship service composed of pagans and Christians.

Point Two: Both the event and the Hazen prayer were inclusive, when we are instructed by Scripture to be exclusive.

2 Corinthians 6:17-18


"Come out from among them
And be separate , says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you."
'I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the LORD Almighty."

To which Heavenly Father did Craig Hazen pray?
Mormons in the audience would say, “To Heavenly Father.” Christians would say, “To Jehovah, Lord of all Creation."

Which Great King was addressed? Which Sovereign Creator? Which Merciful Judge?

Who could tell the difference? Craig Hazen led thousands of people in a prayer to two completely different deities.

To be continued . . .

[1] Evening of Friendship, Standing Together DVD
[2] proseuchomai (pros-yoo'-khom-ahee); from NT:4314 and NT:2172; (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)


Nauvoo Pastor said...

Apparently someone forgot to read the account of Joseph Smith's first vision found in the Pearl of Great Price where he relates that all of the religions of his day were an abomination. (See Joseph Smith History 1:18,19)

How then can we worship with those who teach that God left mankind to wander without any hope of salvation until Joseph Smith received this vision?

How can we associate with those who believe that every single church is apostate except the Mormon church?

What logic would allow us to accept this group whose sole intent is to bring people into a delusion of death and eternity in hell's fire?

It would appear that the concept of spiritual discernment is no longer in force today. Taking a stand for Christ has been replaced by taking a stand with anyone who looks good, no matter how wrong the theology.

6:43 AM  
Renee said...

Please don't get discouraged by the criticisms you have received for logically arguing for Biblical truth. We must test everything against scripture and be accountable for our actions. Everyone who confesses to be a Christian is required to do these things!

11:13 PM  
JohnD said...

A "light-foot" Christian confronted a Mormon coworker yesterday calling it a cult (which sent the Mormon into name calling mode). Then the Mormon started the old witnessing routine.

I broke in asking the Christian how many Gods there are, "one" he said. I asked the Mormon, "millions," he said. Then I asked him if he hoped to become a God. "Yes."

The light-foot believer paid no attention to the Mormon's witnessing overtures after that.

Jill's father put it best:

"The difference between Mormonism and Christianity is the difference between monotheism and polytheism."

9:15 AM  

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