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Help South Africa

South Africa
We have been able to buy food and clothing for children in poor "relocation camps" and provide medical care for farmers and their families who have survived brutal farm attacks. We're currently helping two pastors in a very dangerous area of the country as they minister to many people who have been traumatized by violence and poverty. Please help us continue to provide food and medical care to those in such great need in South Africa.

See No Evil: The South African Holocaust By Jill Martin Rische
(Note from Jan Markell: It is grievous to report on a dark story but until the church becomes aware of this 21st-century holocaust, it is not likely to improve.)

Fox News ran coverage recently of the shocking events in South Africa. As an end time scenario, it was almost apocalyptic. Any land belonging to whites -- including Jews -- must be taken from them without compensation. Death is a weapon they won't rule out, with members of the racist African National Congress (ANC) government calling for the execution of anyone who is white. This is South Africa today. To read more about the situation in South Africa CLICK HERE.

As seen in Jan Markell's Newsletter and heard on Understanding the Times Radio -- You Can Make A Difference!

Donate To Help South African Families

W. M. Religious InfoNet ¤ Box 456 ¤ Forest Lake, MN 55025
Phone: 651-307-1507