View Full Version : "They shouldn't be allowed..."

01-20-2017, 05:44 AM
Over the last few years on this site I have noticed guests get into endless debates with the same people, and as their frustration increases they have a tendency to turn on this message forum and hold it to blame for their inability to convince others of their views.

This message forum is named after a well known Christian leader in outreach to the world of the CULTS, and it is overseen by Christians as well as visited by Christians who understand the value this site can be to those seeking answers.

However I never really understood the way this site gets turned on by the very people that should appreciate it the most.

Posting things like - "If this site were truly Christian then these members of other religions should not even be allowed in the door!"....is just so contrary to the idea of outreach that its sad to see how people can believe that.

One of the things you learn when you enter into the world of evangelism is that if you want to be heard you also have to want to listen.

There is no limit the types of people that are allowed to join the conversations.
You dont have to be a member of an approved religion to join here.
There are a few rules, just as all message forums do have, but they are simply written to keep the conversations friendly and moving.
The owner has a right to make their own rules on their own site, and we are lucky to have leadership that allows give and take.

There is also no lock on the door here,
At any time a guest has the freedom to visit other sites and post there too.

So this means that yes, when you visit this website you will see guests that could well be members of other religions than your own, and yes, these people might post a few ideas you disagree with.
So yes, the door is open to them...
People from all walks of life can just walk right in the door here and enter into conversations about religions and exchange views with others.
You got to expect that to be the case when you visit a site named to honor the memory of Walter Martin.

So the door is open and people that are led here walk right in.

But the door is also not locked behind them too, so at any time people can walk right back out and its no ones business if they do.

Knowing this, why then do we see so many post things like "Them people should not be allowed in here"?

Not be allowed?.......they were Invited!

01-20-2017, 05:57 AM
Knowing this, why then do we see some many post things like "Them people should not be allowed in here"?

Not be allowed?.......they were Invited!

Alan I hate to do it, but for once I agree with you.:)

01-20-2017, 08:32 PM
I can understand how frustrating being stuck in an unending argument with the same person for years must be.
I would just suggest the person resort to prayer, .

01-23-2017, 10:01 AM
Over the last few years on this site I have noticed guests get into endless debates with the same people, and as their frustration increases they have a tendency to turn on this message forum and hold it to blame for their inability to convince others of their views.

This message forum is named after a well known Christian leader in outreach to the world of the CULTS, and it is overseen by Christians as well as visited by Christians who understand the value this site can be to those seeking answers.

However I never really understood the way this site gets turned on by the very people that should appreciate it the most.

Posting things like - "If this site were truly Christian then these members of other religions should not even be allowed in the door!"....is just so contrary to the idea of outreach that its sad to see how people can believe that.

One of the things you learn when you enter into the world of evangelism is that if you want to be heard you also have to want to listen.

There is no limit the types of people that are allowed to join the conversations.
You dont have to be a member of an approved religion to join here.
There are a few rules, just as all message forums do have, but they are simply written to keep the conversations friendly and moving.
The owner has a right to make their own rules on their own site, and we are lucky to have leadership that allows give and take.

There is also no lock on the door here,
At any time a guest has the freedom to visit other sites and post there too.

So this means that yes, when you visit this website you will see guests that could well be members of other religions than your own, and yes, these people might post a few ideas you disagree with.
So yes, the door is open to them...
People from all walks of life can just walk right in the door here and enter into conversations about religions and exchange views with others.
You got to expect that to be the case when you visit a site named to honor the memory of Walter Martin.

So the door is open and people that are led here walk right in.

But the door is also not locked behind them too, so at any time people can walk right back out and its no ones business if they do.

Knowing this, why then do we see so many post things like "Them people should not be allowed in here"?

Not be allowed?.......they were Invited!

Is your argument that even trolls should be allowed to participate here with evil intent and no consequence?

Who else are you talking about? I haven't seen any posts such as you have allegedly "quoted." Or was that a paraphrase based on your feelings?

The only complaining along that line I have seen is to expose Internet trolls like DBerrie and others who come to these forums with one thing in mind... to mock Christianity and present false doctrinal dilemmas which seek to confound and deceive ignorant Christians who don't know better. Do you think trolls should be allowed to be trolls?

i agree everyone should be welcomed, but people should be encouraged to come here to face sincere critics of their religion, not to troll Christians with dubious claims. Those who are here with evil intent should be exposed and reprimanded, rather than given a platform from which to mock Christians, Christianity, Jesus and the Word of God.

01-23-2017, 06:04 PM
Well, all the guests to this website are asked to follow the same set of rules.

There is not one set of rules for one religion, and a different set of rules for a different religion.

Everyone can check the listed rules any time they want to know if a comment that has been posted is within the rules.

Now personally, (speaking only for myself), I try to read everything that happens on this forum, regardless of my interest in the topic or not.

I dont believe I have missed any posted comments that have been made by anyone, but I guess it is possible.
I dont really care who wins your conversations, or who scores the most debate points, I just hope we all simply follow the same set of rules we all agreed to keep when we first logged-on to this site.

If you think a post has been overlooked then please show where and what specific listed rule was broken?

01-23-2017, 06:12 PM
all the guests to this website are asked to follow the same rules.

I watch all the posts, I try to read everything that happens on this forum, regardless of my interest in the topic or not.

I dont believe I have missed any posted comments that have been made by anyone, but I guess it is possible.

I do watch out for any breaking of the rules by anyone, (regardless of their religion), and I do try to point out quickly when I see that specific listed rules are being broken as a way to get everyone on the same playing field.

I dont really care who wins your conversations, or who scores the most debate points, I just hope we all simply follow the same set of rules we all agreed to keep when we first logged-on to this site.

If you or anyone else believe that another guest has broken any of the listed rules?...and/or you think I have missed that fact?...then please show me where and what specific listed rule was broken

Sounds like a bunch of delusional Nonsense to me. How many beers have you had today?

Pride is our worst enemy.

You didn't answer my questions.

01-23-2017, 06:27 PM
Sounds like a bunch of delusional Nonsense to me. How many beers have you had today?

Pride is our worst enemy.

You didn't answer my questions.

Do you have a posted comment by someone that you believe has broken one of the listed rules?...

If so, then report it and have a bit of faith that the right people will have a look and make a judgement call and take whatever action is needed...

But also, regardless of the outcome, if you also feel that you need to put someone on your IGNORE LIST then do so and end the matter right there yourself.

01-24-2017, 10:31 AM
Do you have a posted comment by someone that you believe has broken one of the listed rules?...

If so, then report it and have a bit of faith that the right people will have a look and make a judgement call and take whatever action is needed...

But also, regardless of the outcome, if you also feel that you need to put someone on your IGNORE LIST then do so and end the matter right there yourself.


Actually I prefer putting people in their place, rather than on ignore, and it's obvious that neither one of us knows what you are talking about.

Neither did you answer my questions. Why is that? Are you afraid to answer?

Instead, you have essentially put me on ignore, which is the same as running away.

Yet you continue to (evidently) engage me, but instead insult my intelligence with obscure, mindless drivel.

So I'm asking you nicely, once, to please stop har***ing me, or I will publicly eviscerate you. Quite frankly you sound like a 14 year old mush-brained teenager and I have absolutely zero tolerance for people like you.

Now, as a thread tie-in, no, you are wrong, trolls like DBerrie and endrunner should not be allowed to freely mock and delegitimize Christianity.

01-26-2017, 05:15 PM
Alan I hate to do it, but for once I agree with you.:)

Thanks disciple!

02-07-2017, 07:40 AM
So what did I say?

Calling other guests names is a sure way to get booted out the door.

Thinking that just because you claim the ***le "christian" that this should also allow you to break the listed rules, attack other guests, and call others names is not going to fly as well...

again, (as I said to you many times before), when it comes to the requirement to keep the rules that govern this website, it does not matter what religion you belong to.

We ALL have to follow the rules...so the Christians have to follow the rules, the Mormons have to follow the rules, the JWs have to follow the rules, even the non-believers that just dropped by to have a look, still have to follow the same rules here when posting as everyone else.

There is not one set of rules for people that are of one faith, and a different set of rules for people of a different faith.

Now I fully understand that you believed that a few other guests should not be allowed to leave their comments on the forum.
But I also understand that when I asked for an example of where these other guests have posted a comment that was in violation of the listed rules you were it seems, unable to list such posts.

This leads me to believe that all this stuff you were going on and on about was only due to your own growing frustrations with the other guests.
You may not have liked what others were posting, but you also knew they were not breaking any rules.

My advice to any of us who find that they are getting very frustrated with other guests is to submit the matter to prayer, and to find something else to dwell on.

There are tons of topics and recorded posts to be found on this forum, so many that you never need to feel that you just "got" to respond to any of this.....

and another thing-
I read a lot of posts from some guests over the years that talk about a different message forum, and how people will be posting comments there, but when they start to win a debate they get banned.

Well I dont know if that is true there or not? , but I can say that such things do not happen here and never did!

I have been posting on this forum a long time, and I can tell you flat out, that on the Walter Martin forum if you dont break the rules you simply dont get into any problems.

It's that simple.

Over the years I have seen people come and go.
Some come here and seemed to aim to get banned and do all sorts of breaking of the rules.
They get warned, they dont listen, they are forgotten.

Others come here year after year and never break the rules and post on whatever topics they wish and say what they want to say, and dont ever have any problems .

They have good manners, and their ability to always stay within the rules is a credit to themselves, their parents and the way they were raised and yes, even their church.

02-19-2017, 06:53 PM
part of the problem is that there is only a few people who actually post on this site so of course you will get into the arguments described by the OP

02-19-2017, 08:38 PM
part of the problem is that there is only a few people who actually post on this site so of course you will get into the arguments described by the OP

Just recently, we once again heard the refrain that some posters should not be allowed to post on our forum as freely as others.

You also notice that the very same people that are so sure about that others should not being allowed to post here, are yet also the very same people that seem to always break the rules and end up being the only guests to this forum that require intervention by the Mods.

Speaking only for myself, while I do try to catch enough of the different new posts to see how things are flowing, I dont actually care who is winning any of the debates, or who is stating his or her beliefs the most persuasive.

I really dont care who is saying what as long as its said in a manner that is within the rules and shows good manners.

03-10-2017, 04:51 AM
I read a lot of posts from some guests over the years that talk about a different message forum, and how people will be posting comments there, but when they start to win a debate they get banned.

Well I dont know if that is true there or not? , but I can say that such things do not happen here and never did!

I have been posting on this forum a long time, and I can tell you flat out, that on the Walter Martin forum if you dont break the rules you simply dont get into any problems.

It's that simple